Make a donation.

The Guild’s everyday income is funded entirely through the sale of the Guild Goods. This income supports the costs of running the charity, our national events and our Mission to:

1. To encourage, positively and practically, the highest standards of serving at the Church’s liturgy and so contribute to the whole community’s participation in a more fruitful worship of God.

2. To provide altar servers with greater understanding of what they are doing so that they may serve with increasing reverence and prayerfulness and thereby be led to a deepening response to their vocation in life.

3. To unite servers of different parishes and dioceses for their mutual support and encouragement.


Leave A Legacy

Many people choose to leave a legacy in their will to the Church and from time to time the Guild has benefitted from the same generosity. These monies supplement our reserves and are used for both one-time projects, evangelisation, supporting national events and young people, and to supplement the day-to day running costs of the charity. If you have any questions or would like further information on including the Guild of St. Stephen in your will, please reach out to us.